Monday, September 24, 2012

Journal #10

If you brought mints to class next time, that would be awesome. I love any kind of mints there are. Besides tasting delicious, mints are actually beneficial to the students in class. The peppermint included in most kinds of mints, including Brach's Star Brites Mints, help stimulate the brain, helping wake it up. This makes it easier to concentrate in class, on important tests, and help the student remember details about what they've previously learned. When we were all in middle school, every year we had to participate in a week of standardized testing called ISAT week. During this week each student would take one test over a subject like Math, English, or Science in the morning and another different subject in the afternoon every day. Before each test, each teacher, during their talk of the instructions, would hand out a mint to each kid in the class, to help wake up their brain. Doing this helped us concentrate and work harder, and therefore do better on these tests. Some people in my class were not as big of fans of mints as I was, so basically before every test, I was able to eat three or four mints, which definitely made a difference! I ended up doing very well each year on these standardized tests. I know that having mints is not the reason I did so well on these tests, but I believe it helped me concentrate and remember more details during the test. If you brought mints to class next time, we would all be more alert in class discussions, and participate more because of the peppermint we will have consumed. The peppermint will have woken up our brains, and we will be ready for class to begin. (Plus, I just love mints, eating them in class always makes me super happy. For my birthday my mom gave me a five pound bag of spearmint mints. I eat them all the time.)

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