Friday, December 7, 2012

Journal #20

The life cycle of a human is amazing. From a small seed, he or she will live, uninterrupted, will live over eighty years. Human life is really incredible. From the minute you come out of your mother's belly, to the moment you lay down at the end of your life. You are a baby for about two years. All babies to is cry, eat, and sleep. But this normally disgusting behavior is offset by the cuteness of the baby. With their squished faces, and fat rolls on their arms, you cannot help but love a baby. After the baby stage, you move into the toddler potion of you life. Toddlers learn to walk and talk, and have an insane amount of energy all the time. This stage normally lasts around two years also. Included in this stage is also the terrible two's, when the child acts out and misbehaves a lot. After a toddler you are now school age. From about age 4 to age 10, you attend elementary school and preschool before it. In this life stage you learn how to read, how to write, how to add, and other very important life skills. After age 10 you enter the preteen stage until age 12. Preteens try and act older than they are and really come into their girl and boyhood. Age 13 to age 19 is considered a teenager. Teenagers are notorious for acting out against their parents, behaving badly, and getting in a lot of trouble. Also in this stage, you learn to drive  graduate high school, and enter the world of adulthood: also known as knowledge. From 20 to about 40, you are just a generic adult. You can vote you can drink, you can basically do whatever. After 40 you hit middle age, then after 65 you hit senor citizenship  And then you stay in the life stage until you die. There are so many life stages in the human life, and they are all very different from each other.

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