Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Journal #32

Personally, I have never revolutionized anything. Then again, I am only sixteen years old, and have to rest of my life to do extraordinary things in the world. But many people in the past have done this, and it has made our world better time and time again. We have had many great thinkers in the world going back to Socrates and Issac Newton, and even more recent with Thoreau and Emerson or influential authors of the 21th century. These thinkers have some up with many ideas that have shaped the way society runs today. If we did not have thinkers like this is is very plausible that we would not be living in a free independent America. Great thinkers of the time decided that we were better than just being ruled by another nation, like England and the various kings of the era,  and decided to be their own nation. Whether it be social rules, or educational idea and theorems these thinkers have changed the world for the better. Other people who have revolutionized the world are inventors. Could you imagine a world if Alexander Graham Bell had not invented the telephone? I definitely could not. Or if Benjamin Franklin never voiced his ideas we would not have things like libraries, or glasses, or fire houses. These inventions and more have changed the way we live and have paved the way for even more inventions to change our lives for the better. Besides inventions and ideas, purely just people have changed the way we live. People like Martin Luther King Jr., fighting for the African Americans, or John F. Kennedy, deciding that we could put a man on the moon in ten years, changed American's views on what life is like. Many people have revolutionized the world and will continue to do so well into the future. Everyone wants to have their ideas remembered for changing the world, these people have accomplished this feat.

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