After we were done talking Deb took me around her floor to talk to several other engineers. I talked to several civil engineers and a technician. I talked to a few college grads from 2012. It was really interesting to hear about Hansen, and engineering from young workers. They gave me good advice about college and looking for a job in engineering. After we went out to lunch, Deb gave me a tour of the company The have an entire library, with inter-library loans and everything! I got to see the Geology lab, and talked to the guy in charge of that. After that I talked to several more people on the floor, and I even talked to one engineer who ended up being my neighbor! I received a lot of valuable information, and I will definetly take it under consideration when I decided my career path. I am not sure If I can see myself completely in a company like Hansen. I don't know if I could sit in an office everyday, I'm more suited towards working in a lab sometimes. I like a lot of the projects the company is working on, I could see myself working on projects like those.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Journal #38
I job shadowed at Hansen Professional Services, a engineering company. Going into this job shadowing experience I really was not to happy or exited. I put down chemical engineering as my number one pick, and I did not think that Hansen had chemical engineering (They did not). But I was pleasantly surprised about how much information I received about engineering and careers in the sciences in general. I was paired up with Deb Ramsey, the only chemical engineer at Hansen. She talked to me about where shes worked in her career and the kinds of projects she has worked on or have been in charge of. She oversees several concrete companies and went to Ukraine to oversee the water treatment back when the Soviet union broke up.

After we were done talking Deb took me around her floor to talk to several other engineers. I talked to several civil engineers and a technician. I talked to a few college grads from 2012. It was really interesting to hear about Hansen, and engineering from young workers. They gave me good advice about college and looking for a job in engineering. After we went out to lunch, Deb gave me a tour of the company The have an entire library, with inter-library loans and everything! I got to see the Geology lab, and talked to the guy in charge of that. After that I talked to several more people on the floor, and I even talked to one engineer who ended up being my neighbor! I received a lot of valuable information, and I will definetly take it under consideration when I decided my career path. I am not sure If I can see myself completely in a company like Hansen. I don't know if I could sit in an office everyday, I'm more suited towards working in a lab sometimes. I like a lot of the projects the company is working on, I could see myself working on projects like those.
After we were done talking Deb took me around her floor to talk to several other engineers. I talked to several civil engineers and a technician. I talked to a few college grads from 2012. It was really interesting to hear about Hansen, and engineering from young workers. They gave me good advice about college and looking for a job in engineering. After we went out to lunch, Deb gave me a tour of the company The have an entire library, with inter-library loans and everything! I got to see the Geology lab, and talked to the guy in charge of that. After that I talked to several more people on the floor, and I even talked to one engineer who ended up being my neighbor! I received a lot of valuable information, and I will definetly take it under consideration when I decided my career path. I am not sure If I can see myself completely in a company like Hansen. I don't know if I could sit in an office everyday, I'm more suited towards working in a lab sometimes. I like a lot of the projects the company is working on, I could see myself working on projects like those.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Journal #37
We are currently listening to a jazz quartet, "Blue Monk," with Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk. The song sounds very upbeat and pleasant. Being friends with several saxophone players, I have come to appreciate jazz music more. I an tell that this song is very hard to play, but it sounds really cool. I know virtually nothing about how to play music, but I still can tell that this must have been very popular when it first came out.. I am sure that music like this was played at jazz clubs and "speak easys when it first appeared in the 1920's. Flappers and young men would go to these and drink and relax to the jazz and have a good time. I like listening to the jazz because it is not the same the whole way through the song. With the several different instruments, saxophone, trumpet, and what ever else, they can be several different sounds that appear. There is also a piano, and maybe a cello or a base something that provides the base beat that really makes the song go together. At this point in the song I think of a part in A Very Goofy Movie, when the kid, Max goes with his hipster friend to a club and they read poetry to try and impress a pretty girl. They snap and talk in that "cool jazz way" that is very stereotypical of us in the present day thinking back to the 1920's. I am not sure if I would choose to listen solely to jazz or even jazz a lot of the time, but every once and a while it is a nice change from the music I normally listen to. The only other jazz person I have really heard of besides Miles Davis, is Louis Armstrong, I believe he is a saxophonist also. My dad listens to jazz sometimes so I hear it in the car when I ride with him too everyone and a while.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Journal #36
It is very important for you to be yourself. Individualism is one thing that a lot of people do not care about very much in their lives. They just want to be like everyone else and fit in; wear the same clothes, talk the same way, and not stick out. When I look into the lunch room it is sad to see how so many tables of friends look the same. Girls all wear their tight, short skirts, or sweatpants and Uggs. I see the boys all wearing their Nike or Adidas shorts with the tall socks and tennis shoes. Teenagers these days could care less about being their own person, they just want to fit in and be liked. I try and pride myself on the face that I am my own person. I can do things for myself, I dress the way I want to dress, and I talk the way I want to talk. I do not need someone to go to the bathroom with me, like most girls my age think they have to. I do my own school work and homework, and I do not just copy others. I also do not try and hide when I know information. Too many people think that it is "uncool" to be smart, and that failing is more fun to do. I get good grades and I am very proud of this fact. Having your own personality and different friends is also very important. When you ask someone to describe you, you would hope that the words they use to describe you and different than the words they use to describe other people. If the whole world was the same it would be very boring, and no one would be very interesting. I hope that in the future kids will know or figure out how important it is to be an individual in their lives. Because it is one of the most important concepts to understand when growing up.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Journal #35
We wrote a blog way back in September about the Declaration of Independence, and the faulty logic that was included in the document. And today, we just turned in a discussion post about Walt Whitman's search for Self. If I compared both of my writing styles from the beginning of the year to now, I believe that I have definetly improved. Although my Declaration of Independence blog post was rather good, I remember spending a lot of time one it (It is five whole paragraphs! basically an essay!), and my Search for Self one was not as good as my previous one about Emily Dickinson's poems, I can still see a lot of improvement. I noticed that I have gotten a lot better with using quotes as an additive to proving my point, not just slapping a quote in the middle of a paragraph and hoping it makes sense with the rest of the paragraph. I can now weave a quote into my paragraph without it sticking up like a sore thumb. I also think that I have gotten better in using the formal writing style in each of my writings. My writing seems more professional now than it did in September, this is probably because we have written so much more this year than I did in all of last year, and practice makes any writing better, and sound more formal. I fell like I have gotten better at interpreting what I am writing about, I am now able to write more in depth on each topic we are assigned. I do not just skim the surface of a topic, but I can now actually make arguments about poems, and essays that I was not previously able to do. My analyzing while reading skills have also gotten better too. I am more confident in understanding what I am reading now, then I was in the beginning of the year. All in all, I believe that I am a better writer, and that my skills will continue to improve.
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