Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Journal #41

In light of recent events, namely the events of yesterday in Boston, some of the most unlikely people can become heroes in the face of traumatic events and danger. Yesterday at a little before 3 o'clock, two explosions were heard at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Several people are dead and countless are injured. Most injured are losing feet or even whole limbs because of their close proximity to the explosion when it went off. I saw on the news that some runners crossed the finish line and kept running all the way to the hospital to give blood for the injured. I think that this act is incredible. These people just ran over twenty six miles and still went in to and summoned the energy to give blood for those who greatly needed it. Heroes can be anyone. You can be a hero if you step up and do what is right in the face of a threat or danger. A great description of a hero I think is in the Foo Fighter's song, My Hero. "There goes my hero, he's ordinary" Another group of people that most people do not consider as heroes but I do is journalists. I saw a exhibit in the Newseum in Washington D.C. about September, 11 through the eyes of the journalists. These men and women trued to put their lives as close to the action as the could to document it so the people at home could see what horror is going in. Some of these journalists ran to help wherever people were needed and the photographers put themselves in danger trying to capture images of the events that we will forever remember in history. Firefighters, policemen, other civil workers are also heroes for rushing in the face of danger every day for their jobs. Their job is to put their own self at risk to save their community. It is really incredible how much good you see in people when they are faced with an impossible situation.

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