Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Journal #2

A long, long time ago in a jungle, there lived a group of monkeys. Now back then all monkeys ate were bananas. These monkeys ate their bananas with their feet as well as their hands! This was really an incredible sight to see. They spent all of their days swinging around branches at the tops of the trees, and eating bananas. These monkeys were not very social creatures, and did not have many friends outside of their species. One day a group of sloths made their way over to the monkeys village up in the trees, thinking noting of it, the monkeys continued to go on with their lives of eating bananas with their feet. One sloth went up to the leader of the monkey's village and reported, "What are you doing there with your feet?" The monkey leader replied, "Well, I am just peeling back my banana for lunch!" "But with your feet? That is so rude!" The sloth said. The monkey leader shrugged, "I do not see a problem with it." The sloth just shook his head and motioned to his troop to continue moving on through the forest. The monkey leader swung back to his tribe and never really thought about the conversation until the next week. That week the monkey leader was talking to one of friends who was a girl that he liked. He was trying to impress her and thought of his earlier conversation with the sloth. The monkey grabbed a banana on the tree next to him and began peeling it... with his hands. The monkey girl was shocked! "What are you doing?" The monkey leader simply replied, "Its a newfangled way to eat!" After his conversation with his girl friend, the monkey leader called his tribe to attention and explained the new way to eat and peel a banana. From that day on monkeys never again ate with their feet only with their hands! The were now polite creatures.

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