Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Journal #17

As the light blue fuzz feathered through the warm current of air purring from the heating vent, I smiled. Switching out of my daydream involving meeting a famous celebrity, I turned my attention back to one of my classmates melancholy presentations. He has been droning on for the last fifteen minutes. I could not force myself to be intrigued by his minimal effort project, so I had begone letting my mind wander and drift through the many items on my stressed mind. Through visions of colorful ideas, I sort through a list of things inside of my confused mind. With the impending doom of finals lurking just around the corner, I kicked my studies into over drive. Carefully planning around study time is all I can wrap my mind around. After a few moments of wistful calculations of my scores, my mind mind moved on to another subject. Thinking of the wonders of the Thanksgiving feast only days away made my mouth water in anticipation. The many different colors of the feast is just as appealing to my eyes as the food is to my mouth. The golden brown turkey glistening with gravy, the blood red cranberry sauce normally sitting untouched, and the bright orange of the sweet potatoes- the sweetest thing on the menu. I become happy thinking of the lively conversations I will have when my family gets together. The laughter and happiness swirling through the air, puts a smile on everyone's faces. This party con only rival the celebrations my family has come Christmas time. With even more family in town, there is never a dull moment. A loud noise, sounding like someone clearing their throat, shook me back into reality. I look up into my teachers cold eyes glaring at me. It was my turn to present my project. I slowly trudged to the front of our surprisingly chilly classroom and took a deep breath, and began to present my project.

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